Friday, April 4, 2014

Ordain Women... Seriously?

As some of you may know, there are some women—and by "some", I mean roughly 1,300…which is about, eh, .01% of LDS women—that are currently asking—and by "asking", I mean DEMANDING—to be given the Priesthood. 

150 of these individuals stomped temple grounds requesting to get tickets to the Priesthood Session of General Conference; a session that they knew they would not be admitted to since it is a session of Conference that is designed to uplift and speak directly to men and boys about their roles and responsibilities (just as men are not admitted into the Relief Society Broadcasts, the General Women’s Session of Conference, Time out for Women, etc.). These same individuals claim that Mormon women are being oppressed by not being ordained as priesthood holders.


When I first got wind of this issue last year, all I could see in my mind was Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory; the little girl who is never satisfied with what she already has. She needs it all. She wants it all. She demands it all.

Now that this controversy is gaining more and more attention, I feel that it is my duty to stand up for what I know to be true and what I believe in. I feel like it's important to help people realize--whether you are Mormon or not, active or inactive in the faith--that NOT ALL MORMON WOMEN FEEL THIS WAY. 

In fact, I passionately, full-heartedly, and respectfully disagree 150%.  

To begin, I would like to refer to an article that I read describing these recent events. In this article, there were words that… frustrated me. Baffled me. Aggravated me.

[Kate] Kelly said the group doesn't feel like it belongs in the free-speech zones, provided by the city for protestors who demonstrate during the church's semiannual general conferences in April and October.
"We feel as faithful, active Mormon women we have nothing in common with people who oppose the church and want to protest against it," she said. "The church is its members. We aren't against the church, we are the church."

Firstly, it behooves me to think that there are active women (and men) in the church who truly think that the laws and doctrine of this church, which we know are made by God, can be taken to a vote or petitioned.

Which leads me to my second thought: “the church is its members. We aren’t against the church we are the church”

Please tell me you’re kidding.

As we established before, God, the Eternal Father and his son, Jesus Christ, created the laws/doctrine of this gospel.

AKA --> God’s church = The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Meaning, this is His doctrine, His laws, His commandments, His plan, and His great and everlasting sacrifice is at the very heart and center of this faith.

The Lord is the church. Jesus Christ is the church.

AND, as much as it sucks to hear, the church would get along just fine without you, without me, and without all those who think their way is better than the Lord’s way.

This is not a new concept for Mormons who understand the doctrine.

Do these “Ordain Women” activists really think that their way is better than the Lord’s way? Do they really think doctrine can suddenly be determined by consensus? Sure, it can in other churches or in government.

But we are not talking about other churches and this is certainly not a government issue. 

This is not a policy that can be viewed or changed if you gather enough signatures. We do not vote for our Prophet, nor do they appoint themselves.

As Latter-Day Saints, we also believe that God chooses His prophets and apostles that help govern His church on the earth today. In Doctrine and Covenants 1:38 we read the words of Heavenly Father in regards to His doctrine, "whether by mine own voice or the voice of my servants, it is the same".

Knowing that the Almighty God and His son, Jesus Christ, govern this church, you would think that it would just be common knowledge—or just common sense—that this doctrine that we speak of was not determined by consensus. Yes, we believe in modern day prophets. BUT, you must remember, these prophets and apostles act as mouthpieces for the Lord—they did not make the rules nor did they create the doctrine. They received divine revelation from Heavenly Father and act in His name.

Ok. Back to the issue.

These “Ordain Women” activists proclaim that in order to solve issues of gender inequality within the church, they want to be ordained with the priesthood.

…Two things:

1. “Equal” does not mean “Same”

Let me just say, being treated equally does not mean we are all treated the exact same way or get the exact same privileges all the time.

If being treated equally meant being treated the same, then this would mean:
  • ·    Stand-up urinals would be found in ALL bathrooms, not just the men’s room. Woohoo!
  • ·    The exact same sports programs would be found at ALL schools for both genders everywhere, so you couldn’t have a men’s football team without having a women’s football team, a men’s soccer team without a women’s team, a women’s cheerleading team without a men’s cheer team, a men’s wrestling, baseball, volleyball, water polo, lacrosse, etc. without having the same women’s teams. Oh, well, there goes most of your programs! Sorry kids!
  • ·  Men would now have the ability to give birth. Congrats fellas, now you can say you did most of the work and actually be right.
  • ·    If a crime is committed, whether it is petty or serious, there is a one-size-fits-all solution. No need for judges if we’re all treated the exact same way!
  • ·    There would be no sales or coupons—why should Sally have to pay $25.99 for a pair of sandals when Julie gets to buy the same pair for half off during the store’s big sale? Not the same! Not fair! Oppression!!

These are just a few examples, but I think you’re pick’n up what I’m put’n down.

These women are saying that in order for women to be held at an equal (or greater) level to men, they need to be treated the same way as men. Which apparently means they need to have the priesthood. Which leads me to my second point:

2. The “Gender Inequality” that these women are referring to is an issue with society not the Mormon religion.

Sure, we can talk for days about how women are degraded and treated more as objects than as people. But that’s an issue that we can thank society, the media, and the “natural man” for, not religion. Well, not Mormonism anyway.

I have been actively involved in this church for 12+ years now and I have never felt inferior to men. Sure, I’d get jealous when they got to go camping, river rafting, and learned how to build their own fires when I had to work on my Personal Progress.

But that pinch of jealousy didn’t translate to “gender inequality”. That translated into “better use of budget” :D

As an LDS woman, married and sealed in the temple for time and all eternity to the coolest guy in the world, I completely, totally, absolutely, 100%, forevermore, support my husband as the one and only Priesthood holder in our home. When we start popping out babies, it is my hope that if we are blessed with boys, they will get to enjoy all the things that boys should enjoy:
bugs, mud, backyard adventures, catching lizards, getting into a little mischief, video games, sports, dinosaurs, race cars, super heroes, animals, or whatever else they are interested in and are passionate for.

I hope they look up to their father as the wonderful example he is of a man who loves, cherishes, and supports his wife and family, that works hard in all aspects of life, who serves selflessly, and lives as a worthy Priesthood holder and uses this power to bless the lives of others.

I also hope my boys will desire to live their lives in such a way that they too can receive the priesthood and exercise that priesthood in ways that the Savior did.

There are things that my hubby and future boys will do that I will never do, and that's perfectly ok with me. There are things that I can do or will get to do in my life that my boys and main squeeze will never do, and that's totally fine.

Why? Well, because we are different. We are different people with different purposes.

And that’s OK!

More importantly, we are held at an equal value in the eyes of our Heavenly Father, but created for different purposes.

My husband slash partner in crime and I are equally important, but we each hold different responsibilities, abilities, talents, purposes, opinions, and even some interests.
I don’t need to sit down and make a list of all the ways we are different or how we are similar because that's not what's important. What's important is that I know who I am, I know God’s plan, and I follow him in faith.

I know I am a divine daughter of Heavenly Father and have been given special privileges and terrifying responsibilities that I know I will be accountable for in the next life. We, as women, are more precious than rubies in the eyes of our Heavenly Father (Proverbs 31:10).

Despite our differences, we were made for each other. We complete each other. And by “We”, I mean men and women. Husbands and wives. Nathan and me.

Yes, men and women are different; physically, mentally, and even spiritually. I believe that there’s a big reason why we were created differently; if we were all created the exact same way and had the same abilities and responsibilities, then we wouldn’t need each other!

Well, guess what? WE NEED EACH OTHER. Not only do we physically need each other in order to keep our race from going extinct, but we need each other for eternal purposes too.

Men and women have strengths and weaknesses that differ from one other, but when you put the two together—when a man and women join forces—they learn and grow in ways that they never would have had they been alone. (“By our powers combined…”) 

Really, this whole ordaining women thing sounds to me like a relatively small group of women, though quite loud, who are so caught up in what they want, they don’t realize what they already have.

We can pray to our Heavenly Father and he WILL answer our prayers. Don’t take this for granted.
We can attend the temple and participate in ordinances that will open the gates for us to receive blessings that will last for eternity.
We can receive the blessings and power of the priesthood if we live worthily
We have the gift and power of the Holy Ghost
We have the opportunity to participate in the Relief Society program and fulfill our callings in such a way that will allow us to act as angels on earth and bring relief and blessings to those around us that we serve.
By HIS divine design, we have the ability to nurture, love and create life—that’s as close to the heavenly veil as it gets.


Ladies, we don’t need to have the priesthood to reap the blessings of the priesthood.

Ladies, we don’t need the Priesthood to bless the lives of others. We can already do that.

End the power struggle. You won’t win.

I believe Him when He says: "seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand." To take that further, I am certain "that he counseleth in wisdom, and in justice, and in great mercy, over all his works" (Jacob 4:10).

It is my hope and prayer that women (and men) everywhere can use General Conference as a reverent time to prayerfully seek answers to sincere questions. It is my testimony that if you open your heart up to only know the truth, you will not only get the answers you’re seeking, but you will grow closer to your Father in Heaven and by doing these things, you will come to better understand who you are and your divine role as God’s child.

Amen & Happy General Conference!